Unix: HP-UX Command Summary

Here is the list of the some important commands for the HP-Ux Server System.
Shutdown = shutdown -r 0

Shutdown and Halt = shutdown -h now

Shutdown to single user mode = shutdown 0

Reboot = reboot 0

Single user mode = init 1 -

Boots single user mode = hpux -is

Interupting the boot process:
• Configuration Menu
• Information Menu
• Service Menu
   GSP Mode
• From the console hit
Hit at the GSP console login (default is no password)
• Now low level commands can be entered
   o ps --> power status


To reboot to single user mode:
1. shutdown -r 0
2. hit during 10 sec window to interrupt reboot
3. enter:
4. interact with ipl? yes
5. hpux -is (i=init, s=single user)


To reboot manually to init 3 level
1. shutdown -r 0
2. during 10 sec window
3. bo
4. interact with ipl --> yes
5. hpux -is (i=init, s=single user mode)
6. mount -a
7. init 3

Startup/Shutdown Scripts
/sbin/rc0.d These are all linked to actual scripts in /sbin/init.d
/sbin/rc2.d scripts with k are kill scripts and scripts with s are start scritps.

/etc/rc.config.d --> Scripts
CIFS (Samba)

Device Management
HP-UX is a hardware path based operating system. When it boots up it does a hardware detection. It then compares the hardware that it detects with the hardware that is listed in /etc/ioconfig. If new hardware is detected, it is assigned the next available configuration information in the proper hardware path.

rmsf - remove special files
insf - install special files

insf -C disk -e <-- This command will re-install all of the device files for the class "disk" 

lsdev <-- Lists devices and drivers in the system ioscan <-- searches for all devices and displays their hardware path 

ioscan -fnC disk <-- searches for all devices of class (C) disk 

ioscan -fnH <-- searches for a LUN last 2 digits of hardware path in the LUN in octal (1/12/0/0.1.23) 

Disk Devices A disk device will have a name in the following format:   c#t#d# 
c# is the card number
t# is the target number
d# is the LUN - this is normally 0 unless RAID is being utilized

scsictl -a /dev/rdsk/c?t?d? <-- display control parameter information about the disk device

scsictl -a -m queue_depth=4 -m queue_depth /dev/rdsk/c?t?d? <-- sets the queue depth CD-ROM Devices

nohup /usr/sbin/pfs_mountd & - starts process nohup /usr/sbin/pfds & - starts process pfs_mount -o xlat=unix /dev/dsk/c0t1d0 /cdrom - mounts cdrom

Cdrom won't eject:
1. pfs_umount -c OR 2. kill -9 pfs_mountd and kill -9 mountd Cdrom won't mount using: pfs_mount -o xlat=unix /dev/dsk/c0t1d0 /cdrom

1. nohup /usr/sbin/pfs_mountd & 2. nohup /usr/sbin/pfsd

3. /usr/sbin/pfs_mount /cdrom <-- this uses mounting information in /etc/pfs_fstab 7400 Disk Array

armdsp -a va7400 <-- real time display of the disk array

armmgr -D va7400 HPA6189A00SG218H0024 armdiscover /opt/sanmgr/commandview/client/sbin --> Tells us the serial number
armhost -d
armhost -d 50060b000014e313 00SG218J0024
ioscan -fnc disk | more
cvui - creates luns 

Choose storage array Create LUN
Find last LUN 

Create with new lun number
View existing luns

Process to export disk configuration to a file:
• sam --> actions-->export
• volume group name --> mapfile name
Fibre Channel Devices

ioscan -fknC fc <-- Lists fibre channel adapters.

To identify the devices: ls -l /dev/fc* fcmsutil - utility for fibre channel operations fcmsutil /dev/


Procedure to run fcmsutil on a fibre channel:
ioscan -fnC disk|more --> Identify hw path of fibre channel adapter
ioscan -fnH 1/0/0/0 --> Identify device of fibre channel adapter
or ls /dev/fc* on older adapters (arbitrated loop)
fcmsutil /dev/fcms2 stat --> fcmsutil that shows status of fibre channel adapter

/etc/rc.log = Startup Log
/var/adm/sw/swagent.log  = Software package installation log
/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log  = System Error Log
/etc/shutdownlog = Shutdown Log
/var/tombstones/ts99 = Crash log


Login Environment
/etc/profile - main profile for all users

export TMPDIR=/tmpsort
export TEMPDIR=/tmpsort

source a profile: ". ./profile"


Changing prompt
export PS1=$(hostname):'$PWD # '

This gives a prompt that has the hostname followed by the current directory, ending in the # (useful for root logins).

netstat -a = ports 

netstat -i = interfaces
netstat -r = routing table
netstat -rv = routing table and subnet mask
lanscan = provides hardware information about the nics in the server lanadmin =  menu driven interface to administer lan nics
lanadmin -x 0 = bypass menu and show lan driver specific options for nic with id 0
lanadmin -X 100FD 0 = bypass menu and set nic at id 0 to 100 MBS

Full Duplex ioscan -fnkC lan - shows ioscan information for device type "lan" lanscan -i|awk '{print $1}'|xargs -i ifconfig {} -> does an ifconfig on all defined interfaces on that server


Changing the IP Address and Subnet mask
set_parms ip_address
Then supply ip address and subnet mask when prompted. This process will require a reboot.

Changing the Default Gateway
• cd rc.config.d
• vi netconf


Network Time Protocol (NTP)
ntpq -p = lists ntp peers and their time sync status
ntpq -p = lists time sync status with that server (slightly different detail than ntpq -p)

/etc/ntp.conf = configuration file
Changes to the configuration require ntp daemon (xntpd) be stopped and restarted (restart is not recognized):
• /sbin/init.d/xntpd stop
• /sbin/init.d/xntpd start


Command Description
cancel deletes print jobs from queue
hppi jet admin
ls -d -o file prints a file
lpsched -v
lpstat lists jobs in queue. -s -t
pr .profile | lp -n3 prints
pr -o10 -l64 -F -h

| lp prints using margins of 10, page length of 64, header on each page



/etc/lp/interface - interface scripts


Migrating the printer configuration from one server to another server using SAM:
On the source server:
• SAM --> Printers & Plotters --> LP Spooler --> Save/Restore

Spooler Configuration
Actions --> Save Spooler Configuration
This saves the information in the directory /var/sam/lp 

Save this directory using tar: "tar -cvf /tmp/lp.tar /var/sam/lp" 

Copy this tar file to the destination server

On the destination server
Extract this file: "tar -xvf lp.tar"
SAM --> Printers & Plotters --> LP Spooler --> Save/Restor Spooler Configuration
Actions --> Restore Spooler Configuration

Performance Monitoring
j moves forward pages in the display
k moves backwared pages in the display
glance (if installed)

sar -q
sar -u
sar -d


Process Management

inetd -c Causes inet to reload /etc/inetd.conf
inetd -l starts logging in /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log
ps -ef | grep PROD list all processes, but only show those processes that have "PROD" in them

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